Glow Stars Academy:
Heal. Reveal. Deal. Rebuild.


Glow Stars Academy has created an online therapeutic course in which you will have weekly access to therapeutic material to heal and deal with life’s ups, downs, and challenges. This is not therapy but is therapeutically self-help based, which allows participants to go at their own pace, and effectively heal, reveal, deal, and rebuild from life’s hurtful ups and downs.

Our 52-week course is entitled “Heal. Reveal. Deal. Rebuild.” Each week participants will receive video content, worksheets, and weekly assignments that are to be worked on throughout an entire week. Participants also have access to our private, member-only Facebook group where you’ll have access to meet with me weekly for a Q&A session focused primarily on the week’s assignment. There won’t be any pressure to participate, but the goal is to provide additional support for the week’s therapeutic lesson.

If you are a self-starter and self-motivator who needs therapeutic tools to apply to their daily life, come join us. This course is for those who we call the silent community, including:

  • Those who may or may not have access to therapy.

  • People who may want therapy but do not want to discuss hard things directly.

  • People who struggle with communicating their thoughts and feelings.

  • The African American community, who stills struggle with the stigma of seeking help with mental health struggles.

  • Those who may not have the fund available to afford therapy.



Starting November 2, 2020, every member will have access to the online coursework and Facebook community.


The privacy of your own home!

Glow Stars Academy Registration
from $100.00 every month for 1 year

Tier I - $100 per month

Tier II - $300 per month

Tier III - $500 per month

Details below.

Join the Academy

Quick Registration

Glow Stars Academy has three membership tiers.

Tier I - $100 per month

This tier includes weekly content and access to the Private Facebook Group for weekly Q&A in regards to the weekly content and assignment.

Tier II - $300 per month

This tier includes weekly content and access to the Private Facebook Group for weekly Q&A in regard to the weekly content and assignment. In addition, one, 50-minute session a week one on one with a therapist to go over the weekly assignment in more detail.

Tier III - $500 per month

This tier includes weekly content and access to the Private Facebook Group for weekly Q&A in regard to the weekly content and assignment. In addition, client will get their own treatment plan in regard to their own therapeutic needs and one, 50 minute session a week in regards to their own personal treatment plan goals and objectives.

Glow Stars Academy is an online therapeutic course to heal and deal with life’s ups, downs, and challenges.

What’s in it for you?

Regardless of your race, age, culture, belief system, sex, etc., people have the same internal and external struggles just being human with a mind/heart/spirit/soul. You can have a bank account bigger than Earth itself, but a full pocketbook still won’t give you a full life. The richest people still commit suicide and it’s because money doesn’t solve internal problems. We don’t always have control over the things we go through or what happens to us, but we do have control over how we choose to respond to it. Let’s heal from the inside out.

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